What is the cost of Tap On Mallorca?
We worked out to have an amazing combination of great teachers and amazing tap activities and the best possible prize!
20% Early Bird Discount will applied to all the registrations between August 6 and August 20
4 Days Courses
From 52€
- 1 Course (4 Classes): 78€ (62€ EB)
- 2 Course (8 Classes): 2 * 75€ (60€ EB)
- 3 Course (12 Classes): 3 * 72€ (58€ EB)
- 4 Course (16 Classes): 4 * 70€ (56€ EB)
- 5 Course (20 Classes): 5 * 68€ (54€ EB)
- 6 Course (24 Classes): 6 * 65€ (52€ EB)
- Registration opens on August 6
Events and Performances
From 8€
- Tap Jams: 10€ (8€ EB)
- Cutting Contest: 0€ (0€ EB)
- Gala: 25€ (20€ EB)
- Registration opens on August 6