FAQ - Frequent Asked Questions
Every year, we receive always the same questions, so we decided to answer here the more common to answer your doubts.
Please, check this list before ask. If you don't find your answer here, you can send us a mail at [email protected]
  • What is the date for Tap On Mallorca 2024?
  • How can I apply to the courses or events?
  • How do I get the EARLY BIRD Discount?
  • What about the levels?
  • How can I win a Scholarship?
  • What will happen if I register and cannot attend Tap On Mallorca Festival?
  • How can I participate in the Cutting Contest?
  • Can I change the course if after taking the class is not my level or I don't like it?
  • Can I apply or cancel some course during the week of the Festival?
  • Where will be the classes?
Tap On Mallorca 2024 will be cellebrated in Mallorca around the Spanish festivity of October 12th, that this year is October, 12th-16th.
By the end of June, whe will have the teachers and schedule defined, we will publish a registration form where you can access from the menu in a tab called "Registration".
In this page, you have to fill the form with your personal data and you could choose the courses, parties and performances you want to attend.
During this process, you could see all the time the prices and the courses you are registering.
You will be able to register and pay at the same time, so your registratrion will be automatic, and you will receive an automatic email confirming that the registration and payment are correct.
Every year, we offer a 10% Discount for students who Registrer and Pay before 2024-08-20 23:59:59.
If you register before this data, you could see the prices with this discount in our website. But be aware, because the registration with discount is ONLY valid before this date, and will be automatically removed when the deadline is finished.

One of the main questions we usually receive when signing up for Tap On is... And how do I know which level to sign up for? Below is a series of descriptions and tips on each level, to help you choose which level best suits you.  

  • Basic: Designed for those who have been dancing for about a year. If you know the basic steps, such as shuffle, flap, ball-changes, cramp rolls, etc. but are still learning and acquiring basic principles, this is the level for you.

  • Intermediate: If you have been dancing for between 2 and 4 years. You have the main steps well established and you can execute different variations in different tempos. You have a basic understanding of music and how to use it in your dancing, you know the phrasing, you understand time signatures, what a time step is and the different styles of music. Your technique and fundamentals allow you to easily learn new material and techniques. Improvisation is familiar territory for you and you feel comfortable in it. You are able to count beats while dancing as something you have already tried, understand and know.

  • Advanced: For those who have been dancing for 5 years or more, professionals, etc. This level is where you seek to perfect everything you already know. You master the steps and technique as well as the spoken language, the same with the improvisation that emerges fluently in any tempo and musical style. Your goal is more focused on expression than on technique, which you already have fully integrated, on polishing nuances. You're looking for how to get more polish out of your tap, your whole repertoire of steps, combinations and tricks and to be able to reach the level of the stars.
It is always a difficult task for teachers to adjust the level of classes when the group is large and diverse. Their priority is to make sure that everyone can learn, that no one is left behind, and that no one is too bored. The main drawback usually appears when one or two people lower the general level of the group. In that case the teacher chooses to maintain the average level and if someone feels that it does not reach, always have the possibility of changing to another class of a lower level.

Changes of level can be made on the first day of the festival and as long as there are places available in the groups.
Every Year, Tap On Mallorca offers several Scholarships (Usually Two: One for Advanced and other for Intermediate), that correspond to a "FULL FESTIVAL PACK" (All Courses, Parties and Performances for FREE) for the next edition of Tap On Mallorca. To aply these Scholarships, you need to have the next points:
  1. You have to be registered, at least, in 3 or more Courses of Intermediate or Advanced.
  2. You have to Fill-Up the Scholarship Form (It will ask you the Registration Number, so you have to register first).
At the beginning of the week, we will give the list to the teachers in order to choose the best student in each level, and at the end of the week, we decide who will win the scholarship for next year.
The selection is based in technical and personal questions like: technique, learning capacity, attitude in class, participation, relationship,...
THERE IS A NON-RE-INTEGRABLE TUITION FEE of 75 € included in the registration price.
Students can cancel their bookings until September 10th (Except the tuition fee of € 75). From that day (September, 10th), the amount paid will not be refunded, but the registration paid could be used the following year of Tap On Mallorca by the enrolled person.
During the week of Tap On Mallorca, you can speak to the organization. We will give you the pertinent information and perform the necessary tests or previous phases if you consider it timely. Once you have all the information, if you are interested, you can register to participate in the Cutting Contest.
Changes of schedules, classes, courses, etc. are allowed ONLY ON THE FIRST DAY of the Festival. From the first day, no changes in courses or schedules will be allowed.
Due to the high demand in the last years of the courses of Tap On Mallorca. You can only sign up DURING the week to a course if there are available places in that course. Also, you can only unsubscribe in a course only if you find someone interested in covering that place you leave available. Otherwise, you will not be able to unsubscribe.
The classes and masterclasses of the Tap On Mallorca will be in the Tandem Club Dance School.
Tandem Club is a space of 600 m2 distributed over one floor where classrooms are equipped with mirrors and high quality floating parquet. Apart from conventional classrooms, the school has four rooms: 150m2, 130m2, 110m2 and 40m2, where activities such as masterclasses, dance parties or performances will take place.

Tandem Club - Tap On Mallorca

Tandem Club School Dance

C/ Arxiduc Lluís Salvador, 122. 07004 Palma de Mallorca

How to get there?

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