Activities in Tap On Mallorca

Tap On Mallorca is mainly a great deal of activities to celebrate Tap Dance. From Tap Talks to the Performance Gala, we will have some Tap activity to dance or enjoy dancing Every Night!

Gala Tap On Mallorca Performance

Gala Performance

The Gala Tap On Mallorca is the greatest Show of our Festival, where we will enjoy the art and technique of the best Tap dancers in the World.

Tap On Mallorca Tap Jam

Tap Jam

After the first day, we will meet to enjoy the best jazz music and tap. Also chat and talk with partners in class and teachers and make new friends.

Tap On Mallorca Tap Talk

Tap Talk

Learn more about Tap History (dancers, anecdotes, music,...) with our lectures and talks with our dancers.

Tap On Mallorca Showcase


Choreography Showcase: Students from all around the world can show their last works in group or solos. Best works will win a Free Pass for next Tap On Mallorca!

Tap On Mallorca Masterclasses and Tap Courses

Courses and Masterclasses

Classes and Masterclasses for all levels (from 0 to Professional). Learn Tap dance from the best ones!